
⇒Economics Lovers Live/entry "中国経済論の視座 ブランシャールらの中国経済論"




Box: Chinese debt dynamics

Debt dynamics are determined by the following relation:


where d is the ratio of debt to GDP, r is the average interest rate on debt, g is the growth rate of GDP, and x is the ratio of the primary deficit (the deficit excluding interest payments) to GDP.
ここで、「d」は、債務の対GDP比、「r」は債務の平均利率、「g」はGDP成長率、そして「x」は(利払いを除いた)primary defictの対GDP比である。

The typical configuration is one in which r is greater than g, so positive debt requires, sooner or later, a primary surplus in order to stabilize debt. Sometimes however, the configuration is different and r is less than g. This is clearly the case of China today; in 2004, the average real cost of debt service was around 2.5%, and the growth rate was around 9%. Under this configuration, a country can run a primary deficit and still maintain a stable debt ratio. If we take r = 2.5% and g = 9% for example, the equation above becomes:

d_{t+1} = 0.935d_t + x_{t+1}

If r and g did not change in the future, this would imply that, if China were to run a 2% primary deficit ratio forever (the primary deficit ratio was equal to about 1.7% in 2004), the debt ratio would asymptotically reach 30% --― no matter what the initial debt level. (To see this, assume x = 2%. Then, check that the debt converges to d = 2%/(1-.935) = 30.7%.)
ここでr、gともに将来にわたって一定だと仮定すると、以下のような結論が導かれる。中国が将来にわたって対GDP比2%の財政赤字(この数値は2004年の実績値である1.7%を目安とした)を続けた場合、−−当初の債務の水準がいくらかにかかわらず、債務の対GDP比は30%に漸近していく(これを計算するには、xを2%と仮定して、債務の対GDP比であるdがd = \frac{0.02}{1-0.935} = 30.7%に収束することを確認して欲しい)。

It is unlikely however, both on empirical and theoretical grounds, that China will be able to maintain a growth rate above its interest rate on debt forever. But if we think that it will be able to do it for some time, say another 10 years, a conclusion with a similar flavor obtains. A deficit of 2% for 10 years will only increase the debt to GDP ratio by about 15 percentage points, thus imposing a small burden of the debt in the future.

A similar argument applies to recapitalization of banks by replacing the bad loans they hold on their balance sheets by government bonds. It is generally agreed that making bad loans explicit and replacing them by government bonds in banks’ balance sheets, eliminates overhang effects and is therefore desirable. A typical objection however is that this implies a potentially large increase in explicit government debt, and dangerous debt dynamics. It is true that eliminating bank debt overhang this way will lead to an increase in explicit (i.e. financial) government debt today. But the implied increase in debt 10 years out, and so the ultimate burden of the debt, may be small:
これと似たような議論は銀行の不良債権の議論にも適用できる。銀行のバランスシート上の不良債権国債と交換するというものだ。通常、銀行のバランスシート上の不良債権を政府が肩代わりすることは、銀行の経営を健全化するため望ましいとされる。しかし、これに対するよくある反論は、政府による不良債権の肩代わりは政府債務を潜在的に非常に大きくしてしまい、debt dynamicsを危機に陥れることを意味するのではないかというものだ。確かに今日では銀行の不良債権をこの方法で肩代わりすることは、explicitな(言い換えれば財政的な)政府債務を増加させることにつながる。しかし、10年間での赤字の増加額、及び最終的な債務による制約はどちらも恐らく微々たるものだろう。

The stock of non-performing loans at the end of 2004 was estimated at US$ 602 billion, or 38% of GDP. Assuming a recovery rate of 20%, recapitalizing the banks would add 30 percentage points to the debt-GDP ratio―up from 25%, the cost estimated by Dornbusch and Giavazzi in 1999. More bad loans are probably in the making. Roubini and Salter (2005) estimate the fraction of current new loans that may end up non performing and come up with a figure close to 15-25% of GDP. Adding these numbers to the current debt GDP ratio of about 33% implies that the overall financial debt ratio could rise as high as 80-90 percent of GDP. Even in that case, and for a given path of the primary deficit at 2%, a debt ratio of 80% today would translate, under our assumptions, in a debt ratio of 55% in ten years (0.8 times 0.935^10 + .02 times (1 − 0.935^10)/(1 − 0.935)), a much less worrisome number.
2004年末時点での累積不良債権額は、約6,020億米ドル、GDP比では約38%に上ると見られる。DornbuschとGiavazziが1999年に行った推計では、回収率を20%と仮定すると、銀行の不良債権を肩代わりすることによって、債務の対GDP比は25%から30ポイント上昇する。不良債権は現在もまだ増えている。Roubini and Salter (2005)は、現在の新たな貸し出し債権のうちどの程度が不良債権化するかの比率を算出し、おおよそGDPの15-25%程度の不良債権が新たに生じたと推計している。これらの数字を現在の債務の対GDP比である33%に加えると、債務の対GDP比は80-90%の水準に達する。しかし、この場合でも、財政赤字を2%の水準にするという方針の元では、現在の80%という対GDP比は、我々の仮定に基づけば10年後には55%の水準まで低下する。

 0.8 \times 0.935^{10} + 0.02 \times \frac{1-0.935^{10}}{1-0.935}=55%
